
Maccos Diamond Rasensuri

Harga aslinya adalah: Rp570,500.Harga saat ini adalah: Rp513,450.
SKU: JOC-08230397 Kategori: , Tag:

Spiraling, that’s Lassensley!

Diamond◆Lasensley is a highly stimulating spiral masturbator with four hard vertical folds that undulate in a spiral.

The true nature of the spirally undulating rigid vertical folds is a collection of “horizontal folds” spaced at 3mm intervals.
With this specification, “vertical spiral stimulation” and “horizontal folds cling stimulation” are connected from the insertion port, resulting in a large amount of “complex undulating stimulation.”
Reaching the “wart” spot located at the innermost part provides a gradual pleasure, making the masturbator a deep feeling of use.

The body uses an “octagonal” design to convey maximum spiral stimulation.
The 8 edges press against the 4 hard vertical folds inside, ensuring you don’t miss out on the spiral pleasure.
It is a medium type with a total length of 150 mm, so the tip does not sag during strokes and maintains a straight form.
You can fully enjoy the stimulation of a straight spiral.

Comes with a special blister case for convenient storage and original lotion.

Product size: 150mm x 70mm x 70mm
Exterior size: 205mm x 120mm x 80mm

Berat0.53 kg
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